Important updates concerning Legionstories

Dear Readers As you could see, we restarted Legionstories at the beginning of this year and fortunately, with our new project manager everything seems to be getting better than ever before. We

37. Chapter – 1st class Legionnaire

I’ve been a 1st class legionnaire for 3 months on paper but nobody knows (and cares) until you don’t have a visibly green stripe on your chest. 1st class legionnaire isn’t even

34. Chapter – The regimental exercise

The 4th Foreign Regiment in Castelnaudary organizes a regimental exercise three times a year. It was my second, but not the last one at all. Naturally, I had no clue back then

33. Chapter – A day on the field

During the 4 months, we had 9 weeks of field training. We went back for a week (or more) to each company’s farm and trained intensively. I loved those moments, because I

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