The sun was already high in the sky as we arrived at the 50-meter shooting range, the air heavy with anticipation. Settled just behind an abandoned runway, this range had become a familiar training ground for us. There was tension, but a low hum of conversation and an occasional laugh kept things grounded. In this blog post, I’ll take you on a journey through a day of a legionnaire’s shooting session in the French Foreign Legion.
Safety First
Lieutenant Moreau*, our platoon leader, stepped forward to distribute the ammunition, his eyes sharp as he surveyed us. He reminded us of the four safety rules:
- treat every weapon as if it were loaded
- never point a weapon at anything you don’t intend to shoot
- keep your finger off the trigger until you’re ready to fire
- be sure of your target and what’s beyond it
These rules were drilled into our minds, a mantra we recited before each training session since the farm.

Glock Gen5 and HK416F
The Glock Gen5 and the HK416F were the weapons we used during this session, as they are the standard firearms in service with the French Army. Each weapon boasted its own distinct characteristics. The Glock Gen5, a semi-automatic pistol with a magazine capacity of 17 rounds, featured a versatile and lightweight design, an ambidextrous slide stop lever, and enhanced accuracy with its improved barrel. With a maximum effective range of around 50 meters, it was a reliable sidearm for close-quarters combat.
The HK416F, an assault rifle with a standard 30-round magazine capacity, was known for its precision, reliability, and adaptability. The rifle had a maximum effective range of 300 to 500 meters, depending on the variant. It utilized a short-stroke gas piston system, which reduced the carbon fouling in the chamber, improving reliability and reducing maintenance. The HK416F was also compatible with various accessories and modifications, making it a versatile choice for different combat scenarios.

Adapting to Uncertainty
During the session, each of us received a specific number of rounds for each exercise, sometimes with a magazine of only 13 cartridges, another with 25, and a third with 3. This inconsistency forced us to adapt to the uncertainty and train for emergency magazine changes, ensuring we were prepared for the unpredictable nature of real combat situations.
Training Scenarios and Techniques
The session began with the usual weapon adjustments and warm-up shots. Then, the real training kicked in. Paired in duos, we progressed from 50 meters to 5 meters, stopping to shoot at Lieutenant Moreau’s command. We had to pay close attention to our shooting speed, ensuring our magazines didn’t empty simultaneously. Moreau also dictated our shooting positions: standing, on one knee, prone, or crouching.
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The Physical Demands
It was during these exercises that we contemplated the potential difficulty of engaging an enemy in real combat situations. One such training experience involved an exhausting short parcours, where we had to run from point to point, weighed down by our SMB (Structure Modulaire Balistique) bulletproof vests. The vests were crucial in simulating the weight and restrictions we would face in a real-life scenario. Despite being briefed on the parcours beforehand, the physical strain imposed by the vests made it challenging to stay sharp and focused.
A Competition
As the session drew to a close, we engaged in a friendly competition. With our Glocks, we participated in a simple accuracy challenge using 20 cartridges. The three worst shooters would be responsible for buying beer for the entire platoon at the company’s club. Sometimes, we also competed with our HK416s in a test of accuracy and speed. We had 30 cartridges to hit a specific part of the target while moving in various directions. Each missed round added a two-second penalty to our overall time.

The day’s training concluded with the smell of gunpowder hanging in the air. The dedication to our craft and the friendly rivalry that emerged during these shooting sessions was just another day in the life of a French Foreign Legionnaire.
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*Not his real name
Great read! I have two questions if possible.
1. Has the legion fully phased out the FAMAS in exchange for the HK system?
2. How much do vests and rucksacks generally weigh during Field Trainings?
Hi there,
That’s correct, the FAMAS is no longer used by active units. However, you may still learn how to disassemble it as part of your training.
The weight of a bulletproof vest is typically around 15kg, while the weight of a rucksack will depend on the nature and duration of your mission. For a day-long mission, it may weigh around 10kg. However, for longer missions, such as the ones we had in French Guyana, the weight can go up to around 30kg.
A good read, thanks, can’t wait for another story
Hello Aron
I wonder if you received my email? The question is about the test when joining legionnaire. Please reply to my email if you receive it, because I forgot what was written in it.
Hereby leave a message
Hi i have two question will be appreciated if you can answer them in case of notice
1: can you join FFL with whole mouth implant ? or removable teeth ??
2:will they let you bring sort of food like dates or sesame paste to use during training ??
Responding to your first questions actually yes,
Secondly no because the FFL provides all your needs stating from accommodation, clothing, &
the method of payment is online banking? are we allow to use cellphone devices in the regiment? is there internet access in the regiment? because I need to make a monthly payment for my mortgage
I was first in my platoon to finish our nine excercis with Tommy’gun m/45. The last excercise was to run with all gear 50 meters then through one self on the ground, receive a few bullets, load and fire. I also was fifth in Regiment Championship with Tommy-Gun. I was shooter of KSP-58 (big machine gun and antitank grenade launcher Carl-Gustav 1986/1987 Swedish Military Service.